Vengeance That Failed, The

Release Date:   September 11, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Marshall Neilan,
Story Summary:
The ranger's sweetheart has ridden her horse to a hill top in order to intercept her lover on his return from a round of inspection. Riding across the plain with a number of cowboys, he sees the girl, and spurs his orse in her direction. The lover's meeting is witnessed by an outlaw, who as just completed a term of imprisonment, which he owes to the ranger. Eager for revenge, he plots with his fellow outlaws to kidnap the girl. The ranger's sweetheart is carried to the outlaw's camp. The ranger follows the tracks until it leads him to the outlaw's camp. He enlists the aid of a number of cowboys, who make an attack on the camp, while the ranger enters the camp through a secret tunnel, fells the leader, and escapes with the girl. The outlaws are caught between two fires-the ranger firing through the tunnel and the cowboys in front, and they throw up their hands. Vengence has failed. - The Bioscope, October 31st, 1912
Unique Occurences
One of the backdrops used for this film was "ruins near the old mission." - Santa Barbara Morning Press, July 19th, 1912.
Additional Info
Distinctly “Western.” A drama of genuine heart-appeal and subtle power. One of the kind your patrons clamor for – backgrounds of righteous beauty and superb photography. - The Moving Picture World, September 7th Issue 1912, (Volume 13 Number 10) P 936

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