Dawn of Passion, The

Release Date:   September 09, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, Jessalyn Van Trump, Pauline Bush,
Story Summary:
Away off, miles from civilization, lives Margy Cotter and Jim Walthers. Thier respective families were the only ones for leagues about. Then a party of cowboys arrived and the leader awoke the first faint dawn of feeling in the pretty, almost primeval, Margy Cotter. He died a violent death, that careless cowboy, and by the hand of the almost primeval man, Jim Walthers. - Moving Picture World, 9/14/12, p.1108 Review: A strange study of human life in half-wild, hill white people, who haven't taught themselves to conceal their emotions. It takes courage in a producer and in a scenario written to show the naked soul just as it is; one shrinks from it. Yet doing it is a true service. There is something in this picture that is in advance. One other excellent thing in this picture is its views of a beautiful country, which are finely photographed. MPW, 9/14/12, p.1076
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