College Chums

Release Date:   March 02, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   American
Genre:   Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan,
Story Summary:
"Ray Douglas and Walter Evans had been chums from boyhood. It is not strange, therefore, that when the time approached for their future training and educational advancement, they should select the same college. Ray had formed a serious attachment for Eva Wells, a beautiful and accomplished girl, a resident of the town in which the college was situated. At first his passion was reciprocated, but Walter’s arrival sowed the seed of discord, for Eva’s preference for Ray’s handsome chum soon became apparent and a serious breach occurred, which was gradually widened beyond hope of repair, by Esther Williams, a friend of Eva’s, who sends an anonymous communication to Ray, appraising him of the fact that Walter had proposed to Eva and was accepted. Walter, loyal to his promise to Eva, marries her. His trend and desires did not point to a commercial or professional life, so he drifted into Wall Street with a fortune left him by his parents. He soon finds himself a victim of frenzied finance and drifts into absolute poverty through one final investment into a worthless mine. Ray, who has drifted westward, smarting under the lash of disappointed love, after engaging in various ventures, finally purchased some mining interests, which developed into fabulous dimensions and made him a multi-millionaire. While seated in the library, Ray picked up a newspaper from a convenient table and scanned its columns. An expression of surprise followed by sadness, diffused his countenance. The paragraph he had read divulged the fact that his old-time chum had met with reverses and had been reduced to abject poverty. He immediately sought his broker and investigation discloses the fact that Walter holds large interests in a mining property with great possibilities, but lack of funds had retarded its development. Ray comes to the rescue, bud does not disclose his identity, until the deal is consummated. When he is finally recognized by Walter, the latter is inclined to resent his interference, until called to his sense of duty by Eva, his wife." - Moving Picture World, 1911
Unique Occurences
The subtitles created for this film were made unique, according to the Moving Picture News of March 11,1911, by using verse lines from different authors.
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