Marked Gun, The

Release Date:   September 04, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   W. Emerson
Confirmed Cast:   Mabel Emerson,
Story Summary:
The outlaw's daughter warned her father of the coming of the sheriff just a moment too late. The result was that two bandits were slain, although the father escaped. The sheriff, returning home, celebrated his son's birthday by giving him a revolver taken from a dead bandit- a revolver bearing a peculiar mark around the butt. The son, Dave, went out for a ride the following day and was shot by the rober chief and his men. They took the marked revolver, and when the sheriff finally captured them, he found the odd revolver on the dead man. Meanwhile, Dave had been rescued by the outlaw's daughter, who, when her father failed to return, carried a letter from Dave to his father. - Moving Picture World, September 14, 1912
Unique Occurences
Though a western this film was produced by American's Chicago unit. Played at the Lagomarsino Theater in Ventura on Oct. 18th
Additional Info

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