Renegade, The

Release Date:   October 02, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Randolph Grey,
Story Summary:
When Lew Sommers deserted his pretty wife he proved that he wasn't right. The kindness shown him by the country sheriff, who gave him aid when he was injured by a fall from his horse, was rewarded by his trying to make love to the sherff's sweetheart; again he proved he wasn't right. The appearance of his wife on the scene put him in a very embarassing position, and he concluded to again pull stakes, but not without purloining some properties not his own. This proved his undoing, and he soon found the strong arm of the law out after him. Just how the sheriff came to be suspected of crime and his vindication, makes this picture the more interesting. - Moving Picture World, September 28, 1912
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