Wooing of Wathena, The

Release Date:   August 21, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   W. Emerson
Confirmed Cast:   Mabel Emerson,
Story Summary:
John Menton, with his wife and baby daughter, settled in the Great West. Red-Leaf, an old Indian squaw, lost her child around that time and kidnapped the pretty baby daughter. Years passed. The baby grew tall and beautiful and was called Wathena. One day John Menton came again to the big West, this time to superintend the construction of a railway. His surveyor, Will Beverly, stopped work that day to take a snap-shot of a young Indian miss. He developed it, and fell in love with the image. He showed it to Menton, who immediately went in search of her, identifying her as his daughter. And there was happiness untold in the construction camp that night. - The Bioscope, October 17, 1912
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
This was a Chicago production. British release: October 26, 1912

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