Outlaw Colony, The

Release Date:   August 15, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Marshall Neilan, Jack Richardson, Jessalyn Van Trump,
Story Summary:
In the outlaw colony Rattlesnake Ike loved Bessie Vanever, daughter of the old leader. So did handsome John Briscoe, and Bessie reciprocated. One day Jim Wiggins, sheriff, in disguise entered the camp. Ike accepted him, but grew to hate him shortly. And then Jim fell in love with Grace, sister of Bessie, and found himself in a horrible plight. But the end came one day when Ike struck Briscoe. There was a shot and a scuffle and Ike died. Then, taking sides with the sheriff, the old outlaw and his two daughters, along with Briscoe, stood off the camp. A fine battle took place ending in the death of the father. Later it was all explained. Wiggins appointed Briscoe a deputy and Briscoe found a new delight in his love for Bessie. -Moving Picture World, August 24, 1912, p. 802.
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