Meddlers, The

Release Date:   August 05, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Jessalyn Van Trump,
Story Summary:
John Huxley, with his young wife, and Bob Blake, private secretary, came to the Western mine to inspect their holdings. Mrs. Huxley cared nothing for her aged husband, and showed it. She became interested in James Whitmore, when she saw James kissing his little sweetheart, Mary Jacobs. She made violent love to him, when she found he did not care for her. She also sought out little Mary Jacobs, told her fortune by cards, and predicted much unhappiness unless she married Bob Blake. Bob was also interested in Mary, and made love to her. Mrs. Huxley had arranged with Bob to bring Mary to a hedge, close by where Mary could see her lovers treachery. James submitted to the hug and kiss with much disgust in his heart. Mrs. Huxley and Bob, standing together on the hillside, were plotting how they might further wreck the little romance. Suddenly a warning shout came from James, who had just lighted a fuse. In another instant there was a terrific crash, a swirl of smoke carrying giant upwards with it, and they found the buried remains of the faithless wife and her private secretary. - The Bioscope, 09/19/12, p. ix
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