Fatal Mirror, The

Release Date:   July 15, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Marshall Neilan,
Story Summary:
"Pretty Jessie Brown, living alone with her brother in the mountains, knew no luxuries; so when Bob brought a mirror from town, her joy knew no bounds. Nor was her grief the less when it was broken. Bob posted a sign directed against sheepmen that day and was shot. Jessie, in revenge, shot his murderer, not seeing an outlaw in the bushes close by. When the posse came to get her the woods echoed with two shots. The posse captured the outlaw, who, when asked if he killed the catteman, nodded and smiled." - Moving Picture World, July 6th, 1912, p.10 A more in depth summary came from the Bioscope: "The Fatal Mirror. — The chief characters, a sheepman and his daughter, come into collision with a band of cattlemen, who threaten them with vengeance unless their animals are kept away from the best grass land. Shortly afterwards the brother presents hia sister with a mirror. While she is holding the mirror in her hands the sun is flashed from it into the eyes of a man crouched in the bushes. He approaches the girl, and is recognised to be a cattle thief, for whom the cattlemen are searching. The brother and sister give him food, and allow him to return to his hiding place. A little later, the brother carelessly knocks against the mirror, which the girl has hung on the cabin wall, and it falls and shatters to pieces. Later, the brother, crossing the “Death line fence” which the cattlemen have erected, is shot by one of the latter. His sister takes his revolver, and, creeping to the hut of her brother’s murderer, shoots him down. The cattlemen gallop to her cottage, intent on revenge. The outlaw, crouched in the bush, sees they mean mischief, and reveals himself. The attention of the cattlemen is diverted to him, and he is pursued and shot down, but before expiring declares that he was responsible for the cattleman’s death, while the girl watches the tragedy, crushing in her hands the frame of the fatal mirror." - Supplement to The Bioscope, August 29th, 1912
Unique Occurences
This split reel was released with "Point Loma, Old Town". "On the same reel: Some especially fine views of Point Loma, one of California's garden spots"
Additional Info
British Release: September 4th, 1912, Length 780 ft. - This indicates that the story of "The Fatal Mirror" made up three-quarters of the reel.

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