Idol, The

Release Date:   October 30, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Clipper
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, E. Taylor, John Prescott, Al Fordyce, Ashton Dearholt, Robert Klein,
Story Summary:
Cecil Fordyce, a famous actor and idol of the public, through fast living, becomes a drunkard and loses his engagement, and is unable to secure work. He goes down and out and in five years has sunk to the lowest degradation. Joyce Ferdon, an emotional actress, is cast to play the part of a Salvation Army lassie and seeks atmosphere in the meetings of the army. One night Cecil Fordyce is thrown from a saloon into the street as the Salvation Army passes by. Joyce rescues him and he, through her influence, attends the army’s meetings and is converted. He secures employment at manual labor, rises to be foreman of a street gang. In the meantime, Sigmund, an obscure musician at the theater, falls in love with Joyce and forces his attentions on her. She repulses him. He loses his position and plans vengeance. Through him and two Italians, employed as laborers in Fordyce’s gang, Joyce is lured to an obscure café where she is rescued by Fordyce after a fight. Called to a rehearsal, Joyce writes to Fordyce that she has deceived him. Becoming reckless, he begins drinking, but stops at a vision of Joyce. Rehearsal night he goes to the theater where the understudy of the leading man has been taken ill. As Joyce and the leading man emerge from the stage entrance, Sigmund shoots at Joyce, but wounds the leading man. Fordyce, standing near, captures Sigmund. The leading man and the manager recognize Fordyce as the former great actor, he is given the part and learns it in one night. The next night he plays the part in a brilliant manner and comes back into his own. He is recognized by the public as its former idol and is given a great ovation. - Moving Picture World, October 23, 1915
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