Unmasking, The

Release Date:   June 17, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Sydney Ayres
Writer(s):   M. McKinstry,
Confirmed Cast:   William Garwood, Vivian Rich, Harry Von Meter, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, Charlotte Burton, Harry De Vere,
Story Summary:
Harold Clark, a very young man at an extremely impressionable age and untutored in the ways of the seamy side of life, is in love with Clare Morrow, a beautiful young girl in his social circle. Her parents approve of their daughter’s alliance with Harold. John Dayton, a friend of Harold’s, of strong character and of more worldly experience, looks after the welfare on his impetuous friend. They live at the some club and Dayton worries over an encounter which Harold has with a scheming adventuress. Harold, completely entranced by the wiles of the woman, neglects his sweetheart and runs after the woman of the world, blinding himself to her actual character. John Dayton remonstrates with his young friend and receives only rebuffs for his pains. Harold, completely infatuated, throws himself in the gayety of the woman’s house and heaps expensive presents upon her. He fails to see the true character of the woman. Dayton, fully incensed over the asininity of his friend and the treatment which Clare is receiving, decides to take a hand and unmask the woman before his friend. Pursuant to his plan, he attends an affair at the woman’s house and accuses her of her wickedness. Harold, rash with his infatuation, almost throws himself into a tragedy by shooting his friend. Still bent on the unmasking of Adele, Dayton makes advances to the woman and when he displays a roll of currency she falls into the trap and makes love to Dayton. This, of course, awakens Harold, who looks on from his foolhardiness and he denounces the woman and leaves. John Dayton, with the guiding hand of a sincere friend, leads Harold back to Clare and watches the two hearts reunite with the extreme pleasure of the well-doer. - Moving Picture World, June 1914
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