Mender, The

Release Date:   December 31, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, E. Taylor,
Story Summary:
The Mender lives in a world all his own, which he himself has created with his high ideals. No urchin passes him unobserved and no form of life is too lowly for the love of this gentleman. Baby Bess lives in a lonely world all her own - a world of loveless childhood. But little sunshine crosses her tiny horizon. Wealth and dissatisfaction together crowd from the baby soul, the rightful heritage of parental affection. The Mender, coming upon the sobbing little Bess in the garden path, presents her with a tiny puppy. In gratitude the child invites the old man to her home. There the Mender learns the true state of affairs - the child's parents are on the eve of divorce. The Mender attempts to reconcile them, but his efforts are useless. He leaves with a heavy heart and returns to his lovely home and the conceives the idea of reuniting the parents through their mutual love for their only child. He returns and kidnaps Baby Bess, taking only the kindly cook into his confidence. The parents discover the loss of the child and as days pass with no word from the little one, the bond of common sympathy between the two is drawn tighter. Day after day the love of the husband and wife grows greater until the cook, who has watched from a secret corner, finally reports to the Mender that his scheme has proved a success. Bess is returned and her presence marks the dawn of a richer and fuller love of husband and wife, and of both for their daughter. The old Mender, his face wreathed in smiles, resumes his itinerant tinkering. - Moving Picture World, December 25, 1915
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