Cactus Blossom, The

Release Date:   December 31, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Thomas Chatterton
Writer(s):   Kenneth Clarke,
Confirmed Cast:   Frank Borzage, Anna Little, Dick La Reno,
Story Summary:
Dave Foster and his daughter, Beulah, live alone on a claim which Foster has staked out. Slowly the prospector is coming to realize that his claim is worthless. Then, by chance, Foster befriends Chegup, a wandering Indian who has fallen into the hands of the rough element of a nearby cattle town. The Indian shows his gratitude to the man who has befriended him and in return for Foster's kindness, Chegup offers to take him to a secret gulch which he knows to be rich in gold. Father and daughter and the old Indian establish a new home and, true to the Redskin's prediction, Foster strikes it rich. But an unprincipled Mexican follows them. Not far from the new claim is a cow map of evil reputation. The tough element is led by one Reed Avery, though the real evil genius of the settlement is Duke Wilson, who operates the gambling hall. The Mexican who has followed Foster plays into the hand of Wilson. Meanwhile the cowboys are excited by the presence of Beulah. All are anxious to make the acquaintance of the young woman whom they have come to call "The Cactus Blossom." Reed Avery is torn by conflicting emotions. His baser impulse emphasizes the alluring charms of the girl while the instinct is deep in his heart to pay, and compel others to pay, the gentle respect rightfully due the young woman. At first, Reed's manner to the girl is the manner he has shown to all women of his acquaintance, but her rebuff of him is so complete that he unconsciously goes to the other extreme and he is rendered dumb and awkward in the presence of "The Cactus Blossom." Beulah laughs and he mistakes her meaning. Thinking the laugh a scornful one he vows that she will pay for it with a kiss. Beulah handles the crisis well and her actions completely transforms Avery and he becomes the staunch champion of the girl. Fighting to protect her from his companions, Reed is wounded. Lying at death's door, his head propped on his saddle, Beulah kneels beside him and imprints a willing kiss on his lips. Avery has won, but he has also lost for the smile that brightens his face remains transfixed in a mask of death. - Moving Picture World, December 25, 1915
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