Drifting Hearts

Release Date:   June 02, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   Isobel Reynolds,
Confirmed Cast:   Harry Pollard, Margarita Fischer, Kathie Fischer, Agnes Childs, Frank Cooley,
Story Summary:
The child of a wealthy young artist and his wife dies. The parents are heartbroken. Later, they drift apart, the husband seeking forgetfulness in painting, while his wife is in society. The husband becomes attracted by a model, who sympathizes with him. The wife, believing her husband thinks more of art than of her, listens to the pleading of an infatuated admirer. The husband writes a tender note and places it with a pearl necklace as a birthday present for his model. He is called away and the model enters: sees the note and present and is touched by this proof of love. She goes to dress for posing. The wife, who has finally consented to leave home with an admirer, enters the studio to secure a miniature of her dead child. She sees the present and the note, reads the note and thinks it is for her. It is the anniversary of their wedding day. She breaks down. Her husband returns and his wife rushes to his arms. The model, who has been an unseen witness attires herself for the street and entering the studio, shows the note to the artist, which she had hastily penned to herself, offering her a position in Paris. Knowing she is doing her duty, she says good-bye, and leaves the now happy pair. The impatient admirer, waiting at the station, decides the lady does not care for him and leaves alone. - Moving Picture World
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