Kiddus, Kidds and Kiddo

Release Date:   December 28, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Jack Dillon
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
The Kidds are blessed with Kiddo, a precocious youngster who relieves the monotony of the Kidd home by carelessly throwing about father's loaded revolver, yanking the plumes from mother's imported hat, breaking bric-a-brac and other fascinating indoor activities. Kiddus, a young and handsome bachelor, goes out in search of a shave, while Kidd, the proud father, seeks a haircut. Meanwhile Kiddo disappears and Kitty Kidd comes wailing down the street hunting for her Kiddo. Sympathetic Kiddus tries to comfort her and thereby incurs the hostility of Kidd, who rushes from the tonsorial parlor in a state of semi-shampoo and ferociously attacks Kiddus with his storm stick. The diplomatic Kiddus pacifies the pair and, fired with ambition to aid the charming Kitty Kidd, he starts on a hunt for Kiddo. All kids look alike to Kiddus and he collects a heterogeneous mass of squirming youngsters, and in so doing is pursued by sundry fathers, mothers, maids and policemen. He stops at his home to get his gun. Kiddo crawls out from in hiding, enters the house and hides in the closet. The the irate Kidds arrive and find their dimpled darling, who is in the act of cutting up books, demolishing lamps and statues and so on ad lib. Kidd is restrained from killing Kiddus. Kiddus attempts to square himself by buying off the angry mob, but he is left trembling under a deep, dark cloud of police suspicion. - Moving Picture World, December 25, 1915
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