Sheltering an Ingrate

Release Date:   May 27, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Thomas Ricketts,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Edward Coxen, William Bertram, Jean Durell, Ida Lewis,
Story Summary:
Drama of ranch life, an escaped convict causes trouble when he gets a job. The holiday races are spoilt by the man's trickery, and a girl is almost lost to her lover when a sensational arrest takes place. - Bioscope July 23, 1914
Unique Occurences
Ed Coxen was severly injured while acting out a fall from horseback before the camera at Gillespie speedway. He received a blow over the kidneys and he was knocked out completely and it was about ten minutes before he was revived. - Santa Barbara Morning Press March 28, 1914
Additional Info

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