Jane the Justice

Release Date:   May 26, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Joseph Harris, Fred Gamble, Scott Beal,
Story Summary:
Jane Higgins is the handsome daughter of the Holtville constable. On her popularity she is elected Justice of the Peace, and as her knowledge of the law is somewhat limited, she deals with culprits after her own sweet will. When a charming young man is brought before her, charged with shooting on private grounds, she demands a few dollars fine, and lets him go. His brief term in court, however, has not been wasted; he and the fair justice are ???-ly attracted. Jane’s father, greatly incensed, in his capacity of constable, orders the bold stranger a way. In the hope of being again “brought to Justice,” Harry, the Hunter, invades the private domain of a certain James Dudley—Copperhead Esquire, and is discovered by the constable, trout fishing. The stern old man marches him to a cell in the Holtville lock-up, and sits down to guard the offender himself. Overcome, however, by his exertions, he falls asleep, Jane steals the keys, liberated the ????? man and locks up her father in his place. From her strategic position, the young woman informs the elder Higgins that she will release him only under condition that he consent to receive Harry, the Hunter, as his son-in-law. The young man is summoned to receive the paternal blessing, and Father Higgins takes the Justice of the Peace and her lawless lover to his bosom. - Moving Picture World, May 1914
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