That Country Gal

Release Date:   December 25, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Lucille Ward, William Carroll, Lillian Christy,
Story Summary:
That Country Gal The country gal decides to visit the city, and uncle and aunt are so informed. They are horror-stricken, for they think, of course, that the country gal is a first-water boob. She, however, is an up-to-the-minute young lady - vivacious, stylish and pretty, and her uncle, who has gone to the station to meet her, immediately starts a flirtation, not dreaming the object of his glances is in reality his niece. All sorts of complications arise, until the country gal has uncle and aunt and cousin literally eating out of her hands. In other words, she has something on each of the trio, and each of the three, fearing that the country gal may tell, more than shower attentions upon her. Uncle and aunt and cousin each break their necks, figuratively speaking, to wait upon the once despised rural relative. Moving Picture World, December 18, 1915
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