
Release Date:   November 18, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Harry Wulze,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, Edith Borella, Jennie Vincent, Jennie Vincent,
Story Summary:

Beppo, a poor Italian street musician has a child, Rosa, whom he dearly loves. Beppo gets mistaken for a member of the gang and dragged off to prison. In his ignorance he does not know how to get word to Rosa, and neighbors take the forsaken child to an orphanage. When after months of waiting , Beppo is released, he finds his few household goods disposed of and Rosa gone. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, attracted to the pretty little Italian girl, have adopted her. In his quest to find his daughter, he comes across the Lyons' home where he sees the child he believes to be Rosa. But to make sure, he plays an old melody which she used to love on his acordion. The child runs to the gate and into his arms.

Unique Occurences

The Sisters and Orphans of St. Vincent's home were guests of the American Film Company to see a studio run of Beppo. They were provided transportation to and from the studio by Santa Barbara & Suburban Railway company.

Additional Info

An article related to this film has been published by the Santa Barbara Independent.

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