Pitch O' Chance, The

Release Date:   December 24, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Frank Borzage
Writer(s):   Kenneth Clarke, Kenneth Clarke,
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, Jack Richardson, Lizette Thorne, Frank Borzage,
Story Summary:
"Rocky" Scott is a reckless, exuberant character, who had a strong propensity for gambling. Kentuck is a calm mannered, cool headed gambler; a Southerner with a fanatical sense of humor in regard to his business and the rules of the game, but with a dominating undercurrent of hardness in his nature. Nan is a misfit member of the cow camp coterie. She shows the marks of finer breeding, but under the domination of Kentuck does not know how to break away from it. She lives in an irregular way with Kentuck and serves as lookout at his faro table. Kate is the leader of the dance hall contingent. She is infatuated with Kentuck, and with dogged persistence attempts to replace Nan in his affections. Nan's indifference only strengthens her feeling of bitterness toward her, until her big-hearted sympathies are touched by Nan's helpless, unprotected state. Rocky comes to the camp and enters upon a gambling and drinking spree. He becomes fascinated by Nan. At Kentuck's table he wins everything and leaves Kentuck stranded. Then, under the excitement of his success and luck he proposes to Kentuck to stake all of his winnings against the girl belonging to Kentuck, and taunts him into a mood to take the bet. Rocky wins and takes the girl away with him. This act turns Nan's indifference into bitter hate towards Kentuck. Also in this Kate sees her chance at last to win Kentuck. Driven by fear, Nan follows Rocky. But at their camp that night she makes a desperate stand and cools Rocky's ardor into a feeling of disgust and shame for his action. Her plea brings out all that is good in Rocky, and the next morning takes her back to the camp. In the meantime, Kentuck has decided to hunt Rocky down and kill him. When Nan is left at the edge of the town she discovers Kentuck's intention and hurries back to warn Rocky. On the return from the warning she meets Kentuck starting up the trail and tells him that Rocky is coming down to meet him. The two men hunt each other on the twisting mountain road. Both are wounded but Kentuck is completely disabled. Rocky brings him back. The relations of Nan and Kentuck are at an end; but at this point Kate steps in and seizes the opportunity to express her devotion by taking her place at Kentuck's side. Rocky takes some encouragement from the fact that Nan would come back to warn him. He states his wish to win Nan in an honorable way. She has seen the real decency of the man at heart, and realizing that she herself has not been entirely above reproach, is willing to encourage the spark of love that has sprung up between them. She tells Rocky that she will wait for him.- Moving Picture World, December 18, 1915
Unique Occurences
This was Frank Borzage's directorial debut.
Additional Info
Two prints are known to survive.

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