Making a Man of Johnny

Release Date:   December 21, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
Making a Man of Johnny John Steppling, a wealthy bachelor, visits a summer resort, where he becomes captivated by the winsomeness of Carol, a sprightly bathing girl. John's sister writes that her son Johnny is too good to be true, so she asks John to take the boy in hand a make a man of him. John consents and tells his bathing beach sweetheart that his nephew, an awful simp, is coming for a visit. In due time Johnny arrives. The first person he meets is Carol. Johnny proves anything but a simp, and he and Carol become friends at first sight. She tells Johnny what his uncle has said, and Johnny arranges to act the part of the simp he is supposed to be. Johnny meets uncle and the latter endeavors to throw the youth into the society of girls as much as possible. Johnny pretends to be very shy, at which uncle is very annoyed. Despite his famed shyness, however, Johnny falls in love with Carol, and learns that his uncle is his rival for the girl's hand. Johnny asks his uncle, "If you were in love with a girl and there was another fellow, what would you do?" Uncle emphatically answers, "Marry her, you simp." Whereupon Johnny proceeds to follow the good advice. He and Carol are wedded and they return to uncle's presence. That person promptly collapses when he learns the truth. Moving Picture World, December 18, 1915
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