Tightwad, The

Release Date:   November 03, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Writer(s):   M. McKinstry,
Confirmed Cast:   Fred Gamble, Joseph Harris, Afton Mineer, Mary Scott, Perry Banks,
Story Summary:
Tobias Frye prefers to bank his money in the fireplace. He scorns all modern improvements, and his wife and daughter drudge from morning till night. An up-to-date young man, Frank Hastings, is in love with Julia Frye. He is a "trouble shooter" for an electric company, and when he tries to persuade Julia's father to grant a right of way through his place, Frye orders him off the premises and forbids him to have anything more to do with his daughter. The enterprising Hastings, however, installs a telephone in a tree, and he and his sweetheart hold frequent conversations. Slick Sam, a tramp, discovers where the miserly old man hides his money. He returns that night with a pal to rob the house, and Julia, who is telephoning in the tree for a doctor for her sick mother, overhears the tramps plotting. She 'phones Hastings for help. Meanwhile the tramps break into the house and Frye is overpowered. But the young electrician and a policeman arrive in time to prevent the robbery and arrest the thieves. When the miser learns about the tree telephone and that this is the means by which his money has been saved, he is converted to new ideas. He sends his worn out wife and daughter to the seaside to recuperate, and on their return they find the house fitted throughout with labor saving appliances. Young Hastings cooks the dinner first by electricity, and Frye warmly welcomes him into the family. - Moving Picture World, November 1914
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