In the Sunset Country

Release Date:   December 17, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   E. Taylor, Lizette Thorne, Nell Franzen, Warren Ellsworth,
Story Summary:
In the Sunset Country They call her "The Lost Soul" - this girl Madge of the dance halls. But she proves that she has a heart and a conscience when the Circuit Rider urges her to give up the life she leads and return to the plane she once knew. Mark Henley, the boss of the dance hall, is owner of her - body and soul - and he has bullied her into subjection. At length, however, she finds courage to steal away, leaving a note saying that she is to begin life anew. A woman of a different sort has arrived, not long since, in the little mountain village. She is Helen, the school marm. Hal Newcomb, a prospector, meets her over in the woods, where the wayside preacher is telling the simple mountain folk how to serve their God, and until the schoolhouse can be finished, Helen does her teaching out of doors, and Hal finds it convenient to spend much of his time with the girl. Boss Henley forces his attentions on Helen, and though constantly rebuffed, he refuses to be discouraged. Mark sets out to force Madge to return to him. The dance hall girl, worn out, takes refuge in Hal's cabin and he makes her comfortable for the night. Boss Henley discovers her in the morning. Hal fights to defend the girl and Mark, beaten, leaves in an ugly tempter. Meeting Helen, he informs her that a woman is living at Hal's cabin. Helen questions Hal, who admits Madge's presence. The young teacher upbraids the prospector and leaves, unwilling to hear an explanation. The circuit rider returns and commends Hal for his actions. He also informs Helen of Hal's kindness, and Helen, repentant, hastens to help Hal in his care for the girl. Madge, unwilling to make trouble, leaves. Mark returning to Hal's cabin, finds Helen and kidnaps her. She is tied to a tree and left to her fate. Madge, wandering in the woods, comes upon her. She frees the girl, and then compelled by the stupor of her illness, believes that she must sacrifice herself in place of Helen. Helen rushes to Hal and guides him to where the half conscious Madge is calmly awaiting death. Moving Picture World, December 11, 1915
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