Solution of the Mystery, The

Release Date:   December 13, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Mystery
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Alfred Vosburgh, J. Stewart,
Story Summary:
Mitchell, a well known investigator, seeks the seclusion of the suburbs to prepare a report on city vice conditions. He is accompanied by his daughter, Bess, whose engagement to Franklyn Davis, a wealthy society man, has just been announced. The peace of the household is disturbed by a series of mysterious occurrences. Bess is writing to her fiance, when she senses another's presence in the room, and turning sees a man disappearing. Her father, being a man of practical common sense, laughs it off as a mere illusion, and tells her that the house was once the rendezvous of a gang of counterfeiters, and perhaps they have left their trace behind. Bess fails to hear from Franklyn but a letter from a friend advises her that he has left to visit her and she wonders why he does not arrive. Meanwhile Jack Willard, an agent of the International Purity League comes to confer with Mitchell, and incidentally becomes deeply interested in Bess, paying her much attention. Mitchell himself has a peculiar experience. While he is absent from his study for a few minutes, a portion of his report disappears. Meanwhile Franklyn has been waylaid by two crooks, imprisoned and forced to write to Bess breaking their engagement. Their motive is to get Mitchell out of the way and get possession of his money by marrying Bess to the fake Willard. This sinister purpose is mockingly unfolded to the helpless Franklyn who sees a way to escape. Jack's proposal to Bess is rejected and he is dismissed. Then Bess disappears. Franklyn manages to get hold of a piece of mirror with which he signals for help, and by chance plays the reflection on Mitchell's desk. Mitchell sends for the police stop the annoyance, and they locate the source of the sunspot and Franklyn, who tells his story and is released. A second attempt is made on Mitchell's life and seizing the mysterious hand, pulls the crook from his hiding place. Franklyn arrives with the police and they rescue Bess whom they find imprisoned by Willard who is trying to compel her to marry him. Moving Picture World, December 11, 1915
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
Described as “An Unusual American Offering” in a review by Neil G. Caward (Dec. 13, 1915). - Motography. Vol. XIV, No. 25, Pg. 1290.

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