Nobody's Home

Release Date:   December 11, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Frank Borzage,
Story Summary:
Father objects to Mabel's love affair with Dick, but mother is in sympathy with the pair. Dick receives a letter from his father, telling him that when he is married and settled down father will start him in business. The letter also states that father will arrive for a visit next day. Dick proposes marriage to Mabel and insists on a wedding before his father arrives. The two elope and are married. In order to put up a prosperous appearance, Dick rents a house from a real estate agent. The lease is drawn up - for one day. Dick wires his father that he is married. The old man arrives in town intent on buying a home for his son and his bride. He makes an engagement with a real estate agent to look at a house that day. In the meantime, Mabel's mother has brought Mabel's father around to her way of thinking, and the two conclude to show their love for their daughter by buying a house for the young folks. They make an appointment with the agent to look at a house that day. Then things come to a climax. Mabel's father and mother and Dick's parents set out to look at the house. It is the very structure in which Mabel and Dick are living on their one-day lease. For a time the fathers and mothers glare at each other. Mabel and Dick artfully negotiate peace, and both fathers conclude that Dick is so prosperous that neither must buy a home for the boy. It then becomes a question of "Nobody's Home." Dick's prosperity is feigned and the desire of the young folks to appear in financial ease has cheated them out of the gift of a home. All ends happily, however, when parental bank rolls are pooled and the ease and comfort of the young folks are assured. - Moving Picture World, December 1915
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