Dad and the Girls

Release Date:   October 20, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   Frank Cooley,
Confirmed Cast:   Afton Mineer, Joseph Harris, Gladys Kingsbury, Fred Gamble, Erma Kluge, Mary Scott,
Story Summary:
Business-office farce with much that is amusing in it. Dad's wife doesn't like pretty stenogrpahers, and Dad doesn't want Son to marry one no matter how pretty she is. Son schemes and Dad, in a trap, has to give his consent. For Ma catches Dad flirting with a pretty girl and Son claims that she is his fiancee, so Dad has to acquiesce. - Moving Picture World, Vol. 22, No. 5, 10/31/1914, page 641
Unique Occurences
When "Dad and the Girls" was released at the Palace Theater in Santa Barbara on 11/22/1914, the Palace announced that it was dropping Mutual, American's distributor. "Betty Morse," released the following week, was likely the last American Film shown at the Palace that year. [Morning Press, 11/22/1914, page 2, and 11/25/1914, page 2]
Additional Info

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