
Release Date:   December 07, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Jack Dillon
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Steppling, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
It is Saturday afternoon - a half holiday - in the big city. Steve, a bank policeman, is strolling in the park, where he meets a young lady whose name he discovers to be Mary Guffy. Steve tells Mary he is an officer in the bank. Mary tells Steve her father is a big engineer. The two became fast friends. Romance buds then bloom, and the two are about to be married. Then the horrid truth leaks out. Steve is an officer in the bank - a bluecoat officer with a star - while Mary's father is none other than Mike Guffy, the 220-pound engineer, in charge of the steam roller. Romance begun under false pretenses is given an added impetus when the truth becomes known and the two are wedded and take up their abode under the Guffy roof. All social restraint under which all parties had been laboring, owing to false pretenses, is cast aside, and it becomes a case of love in shirt sleeves in a cottage. The even tenor of the Guffy way is resumed and the son-in-law has no difficulty in making himself one of the family. - Moving Picture World, December 1915
Unique Occurences
The EYE, Netherlands, has restored a print of this film and it reveals that the MPW summary is not quite accurate. There is a vision from the mother's perspective of a disastrous wedding ceremony but Steve and Mary are not married (yet) when the film closes. However the pretences do all become discovered when Steve and Mike bump into each other outside the bank and then go back to the Guffy household as good friends.
Additional Info

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