Broadcloth and Buckskin

Release Date:   December 03, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Richardson, E. Taylor, Louise Lester, Anna Little,
Story Summary:
Ruth Cameron, a western girl who has lost her family, owns the Lazy E ranch. Walt Baird is foreman of the ranch. He takes a faithful and protesting interest in Ruth’s affairs and gradually a direct personal interest in the girl herself. The story opens at the point were Walt’s love is first being expressed. Ruth admires him for his manhood and through long close association has come to feel for him a comradely affection, but her actual love for him is in doubt. James Gordon is typical of the cultured professional business men of the East. Gordon’s company is advised that the Lazy ? Ranch is a good oil proposition. Gordon is sent to investigate. He is instructed to acquire an option by the usual ruthless corporate methods. He arrives in the West, finds the oil, but also finds the girl—Ruth. She is a type utterly unknown to him, and his interest is aroused. When the time comes for putting through his deal, he finds he cannot take advantage of her. Anonymously he cautions Ruth against himself and thus defeats the purpose for which he came. The two men, Walt and Gordon, are quite opposite in type. They have no common basis of understanding. Gordon strives to meet Walt half way, but Walt feels only contempt for Gordon until the contempt is superseded by jealousy. With much bitterness he notes the advances of Ruth’s fascination for Gordon, but when the time comes to lose he loses stoically. Both Walt and Gordon have around the enmity of a Mexican ranch hand, Miguel, who plans a revenge by the abduction of Ruth. Both men fight shoulder to shoulder in the rescue, but Gordon falls an easy captive and as far as the actual work of the rescue goes, Gordon is quite useless. Walt carries the brunt of it all and Ruth is moved, but with the irony of woman’s insight she takes Walt’s action quite for granted and sees her hero in the less capable man who tried and failed. – Moving Picture World, November 27, 1915
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