Water Carrier of San Juan, The

Release Date:   December 06, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Charles Bartlett
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field,
Story Summary:
Juanita and Romela are sweethearts. Romela is growing rich as the proprietor of a fishing industry. Romela's boats are off the banks and the daily catch of his men is ever growing in volume. Pedro, an itinerant musician, comes upon the scene and by his grace and his musical attainments he captivates the heart of Juanita. Romela is forced to leave on a journey. When he returns his sweetheart has fled with the musician. Romela vows revenge and starts in pursuit of the couple. He comes upon Pedro and a pistol duel follows. Romela is shot and severely wounded and left on the plain. Three days later he is discovered, blind and half dead. Tenderly he is taken to his home. He loses his fortune and because of his infirmity is compelled to pass the remainder of his days eking out a precarious living as a water carrier. Years pass. Pedro the musician has taken Juanita from mining camp to mining camp. At first the girlish charm of Juanita had won the miners, but as the years advance and her grace grew less, the popularity of the girl is fast waning. Her beauty gone, Pedro tires of her. She is left to cast for herself. She goes home and begs forgiveness. At length Pedro encounters Romela. The blind man senses the presence of the man he has sworn to kill and with a vengeance, the aged water carrier carries out his oath. His knife reaches Pedro's heart, and Romela is avenged. The slayer is imprisoned, but the fading days of his life are happy for he has fulfilled his solemn oath and made way with the man who had ruined his life. Juanita, forgiven, does her best to lighten the woes of the old prisoner's declining years. - Moving Picture World, December 1915
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