Mirror, The

Release Date:   September 16, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, Charlotte Burton, George Field, Edith Borella, Harry Edmondson,
Story Summary:
A mysterious veiled woman has been burglarizing in fashionable circles and baffles all attempts at detection. A young bachelor and his sister having just returned from abroad, rent a fashionable old home that has been unoccupied for a year. Janet, daughter of the owners of this old house, in response to a letter from her mother, asking her to go to the old home and secure a locket that was overlooked and left in the secret drawer of a dresser, is about to enter the old premises while the young bachelor and his sister are looking over the grounds. Ben sees Janet and is struck by her beauty so much that upon entering the house he fancies he sees her reflection in ever mirror he passes. Ben and his sister take possession of the house at once. Janet returns that same evening, not knowing the new tenants have already taken possession. Ben accidentally passes the room and seeing Janet at the dresser where she is searching for the locket, believes her to be the mysterious veiled woman. That night Ben attends a ball and to his surprise is brought face to face with Janet, whom he has every reason to believe is the much-wanted veiled woman. Overhearing the detective remark that the veiled woman is present at the ball and would be arrested after the next dance, he hastens to warn Janet and offers to help her escape. Janet is astonished. Explanations are about to follow when the detective passes through the corridor escorting the real veiled woman to the station. Janet then explains her mysterious visit to her old home and, accepting Beth's apology, they proceed to enjoy the dances of the evening together. - Moving Picture World, September 1914
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