Break! Break! Break!

Release Date:   September 09, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   Sydney Ayres
Writer(s):   Sydney Ayres,
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Harry Von Meter, Jack Richardson, William Garwood, Louise Lester, William Eason,
Story Summary:
A pretty picture telling an idyillic love story; it should go very well; for, though it depends on sentiment rather than on thrilling dramatic suspense, it holds the attention strongly and is filled with the atmosphere of the good, old-time stories and poems. The costumes are of the mid-Victorian period in rural England. Many of its scenes are as charming as good pictures. The acting is also excellent quality. Vivian Rich is the heroine; Harry Von Meter, the hero, and Jack Richardson, the light villain. Much of the action is among the hay fields and then the seashore. - Moving Picture World, Spetember 19, 1914 p. 1645
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
Promoted as "“Alfred Tennyson’s Popular Poem in Pictures." - Motography, September 5 1914. Pg. 1152

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