Wrong Birds, The

Release Date:   September 02, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Charlotte Burton, George Field, Edith Borella, William Tedmarsh,
Story Summary:
Dorothy Dean, daughter of Senator Dean, becomes the bride of Dick Wayne. They escape their friends through a basement exit and start on their honeymoon trip in an automobile, believing their troubles over. Meanwhile at a county fair in a neighboring town, Jim Thomas and his companion, Nell Jackson, are conducting a pick pocket game. Scarcely do they escape with their loot in an automobile when the victims of the trickery discover their loss, lay the case before a deputy officer, who notifies the surrounding towns by telephone to arrest the couple. Squire Hopper, representative of the law in Jonesville, misses the chance of his life to get into the public light in his efforts to play the part. The culprits pass his very door while he he searches for his badge of authority. He returns to the business center where the bridal couple, innocently passing through the town in their automobile, fall the victims of his wrath and are held awaiting the arrival of the sheriff. Their pleadings of innocence fell on deaf ears until the arrival of the sheriff and complainants, who positively deny the guilt of the pair in custody, and who are then allowed to go on their way. - Moving Picture World, September 1914
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