Modern Othello, A

Release Date:   September 01, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   Harry Wulze,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Martha Martin, Harry Pollard, Harry Wulze, Kathie Fischer, Mary Scott,
Story Summary:
Mason is very jealous of his pretty young wife, even carrying his jealousy to the extent of begrudging the baby and the dog his wife’s passing attentions. Taking his wife for a row one day, they top at a pleasant spot on the waterside; while he takes a nap. Meanwhile, Miss James, a friend of his wife, who is horseback riding near by, is thrown from her mount, which proceeds to run away. Embarrassed at finding herself on foot riding costume, which consists of a jacket and trousers, Miss James appeals to Mrs. Mason for aid. Mrs. Mason is rowing her across the lake, when her husband awakening from his nap, sees his wife accompanied by what appears to be a smartly dressed young man in the boat. Instantly he becomes beside himself with rage and he hurries to the house where the couple have gone. Miss James, who is putting on of Mrs. Mason’s dresses hides herself hurriedly in the closet, when the jealous husband demands admission to the room. Despite his wife’s pleadings, Mason, securing a revolver, demands that the man, whom he believes to be his wife’s admirer, step out of the closet. To his surprise, if not his chargin he finds himself face to face with a very pretty girl. Then he declares he knew it all the time. In The Morning Press, Santa Barbara, October 2nd 1914, page 2
Unique Occurences
Actress spelling variation then from what is listed on the database: Marty Martin (Oct 2 & 3, 1914 in the Santa Barbara Morning News Press, p.2). The actress Mary Scott plays the "maid" whose name is not listed on the database (Oct 2, 1914 in the Santa Barbara Morning News Press, p.2)
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