Ruin of Manley, The

Release Date:   November 02, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Marc Jones,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Edith Borella, Charlotte Burton, Bessie Banks, Perry Banks, Harry Edmondson, William Bertram, John Steppling, Josephine Ditt,
Story Summary:
Both mother and father of Mary, whom Manley loves, agree that Manley is worthless, and Manley himself is aware of this. Manley's sister believes it is because he can take no interest in the type of work which opportunity has given him and regrets that there is no money to be made in pigeons, the one hobby of Manley. When Manley runs away in a desperate effort to make good, he meets Jared Smith, a keen old farmer, who learns of his hobby for pigeons, and is the means of his starting a pigeon farm. His success is immediate. Later, when he looks for a site for a larger farm, he is sold a piece of ground by a rival for the hand of Mary, all unconscious of the fact that the land is threatened whenever the spting floods reach the record breaking point. The pigeon farm grows tremendously and his marriage to Mary is finally approved and planned for. Then the week before the wedding a misunderstanding results in a quarrel and Mary and Hanley break. Shortly following come the tremendous floods, resulting in the complete sweeping away of the farm into the torrent and before the very eye of Manley. Crushed, he is about to give up when he strengthens his upper lip - he made good once and can do so again. And then Mary, having learned of the trick in the sale of the land, hurries to Manley to tell him that she has come, as he now needs her more than ever. - Moving Picture World, November 1914
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