Sir Galahad of Twilight

Release Date:   October 26, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Sydney Ayres
Writer(s):   Marie Layet,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Richardson, Vivian Rich, William Garwood, Perry Banks, Harry Von Meter, William Eason,
Story Summary:
A two-reeler full of sweet sentiment and that good, old romance that is ever new. The setting is Twilight Mountain. The characters are a trapper and his young wife who has found a picture of Sir Galahad standing at the head of his white horse. She doesn't know who he is, but is sure that he is good and true. Vivian Rich plays this girl. Two engineers come to the neighborhood. One (Jack Richardson) is anything but a man (Harry Van Meter). Her husband hears of this man, learns that his little Clotilde is in love with him and throws himself from the peak of Twilight. He is referred to as the true Galahad. The working out of the story keeps this character from being offensively mawkish and makes the picture a pretty effective offering. There are some excellent scenes and good photography in it. - Moving Picture World, Vol. 22, No. 6, 11/7/1914
Unique Occurences
William Garwood, who plays the role of Dick, a young Galahad, wears a 1515 suit of armor in a dream sequence. The suit of armor was lent to the production by Mr. Cameron Rogers. - Moving Picture Stories, Vol. IV, No. 93, 10/9/1914
Additional Info

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