Ingrate, The

Release Date:   September 30, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Charles Morrison, Winnifred Greenwood, Harry Wulze,
Story Summary:
“The fisherman's life is one long round of drudgery, unbroken from one week to another. His wife labors untiringly under the handicap of an inebriated husband and a baby which demands her constant attention. An unsuccessful day at sea brings the husband home in such a temper that he drives his younger brother and aged mother from his roof and drinks himself into a drunken stupor. The wife awakens him to inform him that his child is dying and that he must get medical aid immediately. Still in a drunken daze he staggers forth into the night, stumbles while making his way along the cliffs, and goes crashing down to his death on the rocks below. With the dawn the brother and mother return to the humble cabin to collect a few possessions and then discover that death has crept into the home during their absence and stolen away the baby. The child’s death almost destroys the wife’s reason, but when the mother goes on about her usual household tasks and the younger brother prepares to catch the day’s supply of fish, the wife rallies, accepts the situation as inevitable and once more takes up life’s dreary routine.” - Motography, October 3, 1914, p.472
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
“As entertainment the picture is nil. The central figure is a brutal sot; his only remotely commendable act is accidentally falling over a cliff when drunk and killing himself.” - Moving Picture World, October 10, 1914, p.189

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