Modern Rip Van Winkle, A

Release Date:   September 29, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Sydney Ayres
Writer(s):   M. McKinstry,
Confirmed Cast:   Harry Von Meter, Jack Richardson, Vivian Rich, Jimsey Eason, Martha Martin,
Story Summary:
An old man, serving a life term in a penitentiary, on account of good behavior has his sentence commuted. He is given his freedom, and furnished with a suit of clothes, five dollars in his pocket and a ticket to his native town, is sent back to the scenes of twenty-five years before. The small place where he was brought up has become a thriving city. He sees for the first time an electric car, automoblies and locomotives. All his old friends are gone Bewildered and helpless, he goes back to the prison and begs to be taken in. A home on a farm is found for him where he ends his days in peace. -The Moving Picture World, October 3, 1914
Unique Occurences
Mayor and Mrs. Rolph and a number of San Francisco society girls who chanced to be at the club were induced to take part in the cafe scene. -The Santa Barbara Morning Press - July 23, 1914 It has just been learned that while making scenes in Los Angeles last week... that an incident in an actual murder was photographed. The American Film Company was given access to everything the city owned, and it was arranged to photograph one of the desk sergeants receiving imporant matters over the telephone. As eveything was all set and the cameraman was instructed to grind, a call came and it was of such importance that the sergeant forgot all about the camera. He was receiving the first information of R. E. Lomax, a jeweler, shooting A. B. Shaw, a formeer employee. -The Santa Barbara Morning Press - July 25, 1914
Additional Info

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