Redemption of a Pal, The

Release Date:   September 21, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, Charlotte Burton, Edith Borella,
Story Summary:
A two-reeler that is not dramatic, but has a pleasing, romantic sentiment. The story is slightand, as shown, not made convincing. A charity that is not explained to the hero is misunderstood by him, a reforming tough. He thinks his sweetheart who is helping a millionaire, reformed from selfishness, in a new schemeof charity, has turned against him. But soon he findsthat the rich man is not furnishing a home for her; but has started a new mission of which she is to be matron. -The Moving Picture World, October 3, 1914
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