Brand, The

Release Date:   May 30, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Marshall Neilan, Jack Richardson, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Jim Haroll was a blacksmith. He lived alone with his old father until the matrimonial bee lodged securely in his curly head. Then Jim found a copy of "Cupid's Darts," fell madly in love with an advertised beauty, and sent for her to share his hearth and fortune. One year tired the beauty. A perfumery salesman called one day and Jim, glancing through the window, beheld her in his arms. In blind rage he rushed to his forge, seized a red-hot iron and pushing his wife's betrayer to the floor branded him upon the cheek. (MPW, 6/8/12, p.960) Mr. Kerrigan is a sturdy, curly-headed young blacksmith, newly married. Miss Pauline Bush plays his wife. Mr. Richardson is the perfume salesman who comes to town just when the young wife, a city woman, begins to be bored with the country. (MPW, 6/8/12, p.946)
Unique Occurences
"The situation isn't pleasant, of course, but it is an extremely competent, praiseworthy picture." - MPW, June 8, 1912
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