Other Wise Man, The

Release Date:   May 13, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Jessalyn Van Trump,
Story Summary:
Jim Bangs, slick of manner and dainty of dress, made a sensation in La Mesa when he arrived and placed a sign in front of his new offices advertising stock for sale in his fire insurance venture. But he was wiser than most promoters and took care to take into partnership an old wag about town noted for the money he had accumulated and the confidence of the town in his business ability. Stock sold rapidly through the workings of this combination. Pretty Miss Blackwell, who kept the only boarding house in town, was interested and was frequently visited by Jim Bangs and his accomplice, old man Skathaway. One day the local accommodation stopped at the little station and a handsome, debonair young man alighted. Grip in hand he strolled down the main street, finally arriving before the office of Jim Bangs. He read with a derisive smile the placard which adorned the front door, when his face lighted with sudden inspiration. Why this was surely his old pal Jim Bangs of New York, with whom he had operated many a confidence game in the past before the reformation which made of him a traveling salesman. Smiling reminiscently, he made his way to Miss Blackwell's boarding house, where he was electrified to see Jim Bangs and Miss Blackwell earnestly engaged in conversation over the proposed stock sale. The old pals exchanged a glance, but did not speak. Two weeks later the traveling salesman found himself deeply in love with Miss Blackwell. He advised her against the stock deal and told her of his past. Jim Bangs was also busy. Finding his field invaded, he promptly notified old Skathaway, who stirred up the populace against him. Then the traveling man spoke. The crowd, led by him, raided the office of Jim Bangs and rode Jim and his accomplice out of town on a rail. The traveling man and Miss Blackwell watched the proceedings from the office porch. Then, taking up his suit-case, the ex-confidence man bade her a sorrowful farewell despite her entreaties and left town by the next train, confident that for once in his misspent life he had done the community a good turn. -Moving Picture World, May 11, 1912, p. 562.
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