Distant Relative, The

Release Date:   April 15, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Louise Lester, Jack Richardson, Jessalyn Van Trump, George Morrison,
Story Summary:
The distant relative is a scheming woman who installs herself as the guardian of the two orphan girls and then tries to gain possession of their ranch. Cowboy friends of the orphan girls expose the schemer and her accomplice. - Moving Picture World, April 27, 1912 p.330
Unique Occurences
Nice moving shots from and of auto and buggy chase close the action. - DD
Additional Info

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