Drummer's Trunk, The

Release Date:   November 23, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   John Sheehan, Carol Holloway, No Personal Information Available,
Story Summary:
A drummer stops at the only hotel in Smalltown. Johnnie, the hotel clerk, is in love with Sadie, the girl of all work about the hotel. Sadie is content until John, the drummer, appears with his city clothes and city manners. She falls in love with him. He tells Sadie he would take her to the city if he had the money. Johnnie is furious because the drummer has stolen Sadie's love. When John is leaving, Sadie secrets his trunk. The expressmen delivers John's trunk to his home in the city. The former is reading a white slave story about concealing country girls in trunks. As he lays down the trunk in John's room he hears noises from the inside. He thinks John is a white slaver and rushes to get a policeman. John gives the maid the key to his trunk. She opens the trunk and finds Sadie. She rushes downstairs to tell John and his wife. Sadie gets out of the trunk and hides in the clothes closet. John's wife dashes to his room, while John follows her trying to deny everything. The police arrive and want to arrest John as a trafficker. They open the trunk but Sadie is not there. John is very much relieved until his wife discovers Sadie in the clothes closet. Johnnie, the hotel clerk, on missing Sadie, follows her to the city. He meets the expressman and finds out where John lives. He goes to John's home and gets Sadie to go back home with him. The police leave after Sadie explains she hid in the trunk unknown to John. John has a difficult task making amends with his spouse, but after hours of expostulation he "puts it over". - Moving Picture World, November 27, 1915
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